ak 28 / Systerfilm
Rådhusplassen, 26 August 2005

Ett år av systerskap

Systerskapets år är en drygt nio timmar lång dokumentärfilm om den feministiska rörelsen i Stockholm.

Filmen består av ett 60-tal reportage om kvinnokampen under ett år,från augusti år 2003 till och med juli år 2004. Vi har dokumenterat demonstrationer, debatter, fester och aktioner och intervjuat feminister i olika frågor.

Systerskapets år är ett arkiv, en kunskapsbank och ett tidsdokument. Tanken är att skriva historia ur vårt eget perspektiv, lyfta fram och sprida kvinnors kunskaper och visa vilken positiv kraft som finns i kvinnokampen.

Vi tror att systerskap och kvinnosolidaritet är den viktigaste strategin för att uppnå jämställdhet.

Åsa Elzén och Sonia Hedstrand

A Year of Sisterhood

A video documentary about the feminist movement in Stockholm

During the last few years a broad feminist movement has started to develop in Sweden . It is well accepted and plays a prominent role in the public debate. However, it is often documented by commercial media and viewed through the male camera lens. From earlier feminist movements, such as the one sprung up in the 70's, there is hardly any documentation available today.

We wanted to preserve our movement, also referred to as the ”third wave feminism” for generations to come. That is why we decided to film feminist demonstrations, debates, art, parties, direct actions, as well as interview various feminists. We filmed numerous events in Stockholm during a one-year period, from August 2003 to July 2004. The complete film is nine hours long and consists of around sixty shorter films. The project is an archive, a pool of knowledge, and a historical document of this particular era.

The idea is to write women's history from our own perspective, to focus on women's knowledge and to spread this knowledge, and to show the positive power within the women's struggle.

We call the project A Year of Sisterhood since we believe that sisterhood and solidarity among women is the best strategy to reach equality between the sexes.

Åsa Elzén and Sonia Hedstrand

Reflection is based on a function of an amateur video camera, the photo function. The same picture is recorded on tape for five seconds and sound is recorded separately. In Oslo we will be taking portraits of people and instantly showing them the picture, which is still displayed on the LCD of the camera. This way the sound of the person’s reaction on her self will be recorded on the soundtrack. Looping these sequences will illustrate self-awareness in a funny way.

Magnus Mattsson Felize Hapetzeder

Singing synthesis is a software developed to analyse surrounding sounds and perform a vocal interpretation of it.

Linus Elmes